Hebrews Chapter 4

" Today, if you hear His voice,
do not harden your hearts."  
                                                        verse 7
Links to  other  ministry Pages on my site:

-  God restores men's lives
         .  a recovery ministry.
  • more to come

Welcome to Messages from Homebush Bay!

I have been  a local Pastor at Homebush Bay, Sydney  since 1993.

Since 1999 I have sought to place Christian Messages on the internet that the ministry here would be accessible around the world, as in 2000 this place was the focus of world wide attention

being the site of the 2000 Games.

 a Preaches duty is to Preach God's word

both the written word and a specific word, a prophetic word.

"Hear His voice "  that it may bear fruit in your life.
                            a word to obey - once the truth of it is tested and discerned.
                            when one feels prompted by the Spirit of the living God

It is my prayer that you will be encouraged and grow in Christ as you  these messages

During 2010 I have felt a fresh burden to resume preaching
a burden to preach sound doctrine.

It is anticipated new messages will be added as the Lord burdens me to write them
that you may be edified.